Apr 10, 2012

Sound the Trumpet

Gentiana acaulis (trumpet gentian, stemless gentian)

On a warm spring day, as you stroll through your neighbourhood, keep an eye out for deep blue flowers in rock gardens, edgings or perennial borders.  Found growing naturally in North Europe, the Alps, Italy and Spain, when grown en masse, the carpet of blue in the spring is breathtaking.    Like a Van Gough palette, this true blue beauty is stunning when partnered with a bright yellow.

Gentiana acaulis is a small alpine plant.  At 8-10cm high and 30 cm wide this mat forming evergreen wears lovely trumpet shaped, almost stemless flowers approximately 5-7 cm in length.    Interestingly, the flowers only open when the sun is out.  As soon as it clouds over, the flowers close. Although these blue flowers are typically fashionable in May and June, on occasion, depending on the weather conditions, they have been known to make a second appearance in the fall. 

This alpine plant prefers moist, loamy, well drained soil.  Although it does tolerate some sun it grows best in partial shade, preferring morning sun and afternoon shade.  If you want to share this plant with friends or increase your collection you can grow it from seed, divide the plants or grow from offsets.

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